Password security is more important than ever. With cyber threats on the rise, it's crucial to understand how passwords can be cracked. This blog post explores password security, discusses the power of Hashcat in cracking passwords, and provides tips for keeping your passwords safe. Passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your personal and professional data. Despite their importance, many people still use weak or easily guessable passwords, making them prime targets for hackers. A strong password is critical to safeguarding sensitive information and preventing data breaches. Understanding Password Complexity When it comes to password complexity, the goal is simple: to create passwords that are hard for hackers to crack but easy enough for us to remember. But what exactly makes a password complex? Let's take a look at an example: "asdajh982743!@#!(hb91@YH#". At first glance, it seems pretty complex with its mix of letters, numbers, and sp...
Ethical Hacking, Digital Forensic and Incident Response